mcdermj (at xenotropic)
Fixed an issue with the types require...
was committed by mcdermj (at xenotropic)
Friday Feb 26
changeset -
Add version control strings to source files.was updated by mcdermj (at xenotropic) 12:53 AM ticket - Put headers on all .m and .h files fo... was committed by mcdermj (at xenotropic) 12:53 AM changeset
- Implemented AGC setting for main and ... was committed by mcdermj (at xenotropic) 12:47 AM changeset
Create AGC buttons on the front panelwas updated by mcdermj (at xenotropic) 12:47 AM ticket -
Implement the Bandscopewas updated by mcdermj (at xenotropic) 12:24 AM ticket - Release was updated by mcdermj (at xenotropic) 12:24 AM milestone
Implement the Bandscopewas updated by mcdermj (at xenotropic) 12:23 AM ticket - Latest version was committed by mcdermj (at xenotropic) 12:21 AM changeset
- Finally got the waterfall view scalin... was committed by mcdermj (at xenotropic) 12:20 AM changeset