mcdermj (at xenotropic)
Added start/stop for Metis and implem...
was committed by mcdermj (at xenotropic)
Monday Nov 15
changeset -
Latest streamlining of interface code.
was committed by mcdermj (at xenotropic)
Thursday Nov 11
changeset -
mcdermj committed changeset [169]
was committed by mcdermj (at xenotropic)
Friday Nov 05
changeset -
Copied for Metis work
was committed by mcdermj (at xenotropic)
Thursday Nov 04
changeset -
QS1R Version
was committed by mcdermj (at xenotropic)
Thursday Sep 30
changeset -
Committed changes to the system audio...
was committed by mcdermj (at xenotropic)
Wednesday Sep 08
changeset -
Committed some changes to make the Me...
was committed by mcdermj (at xenotropic)
Tuesday Sep 07
changeset -
Reworked the processInputBuffer funct...
was committed by mcdermj (at xenotropic)
Monday Sep 06
changeset -
Initial cut of some code to implement...
was committed by mcdermj (at xenotropic)
Monday Aug 30
changeset - Realized that the Core Audio system w... was committed by mcdermj (at xenotropic) 10:36 AM changeset